(amounts vary with amount of butter used)
A fair wad of ready prepared butter (I find it works better if no water is added in this recipe, and use freshly prepared butter if possible.)
Brown Sugar (about twice as much as the butter)
Popcorn and a dash of oil to cook it in.
Prepare the butter in the usual way, except, as mentioned above, don't use water in the recipe as the butter works better when freshly made rather than having sat overnight.
Slowly add brown sugar, making sure that the stove is only on low heat. Don't strain the butter, as the sugar caramelizes around the pot.
When the sugar is completely dissolved, and is going to a toffee-type texture, take off heat and allow to cool for a moment, but make sure it stays liquid. If you want some variety, then add some ice cream topping – I find that either Caramel, Strawberry or Blueberry work best.
Prepare the popcorn in the usual manner.
Pour the caramel mixture over the popcorn, and put it in the fridge for a while, until the caramel has hardened.
Eat while watching movies, it should hit hard right in the middle. Be careful if you have made it strong, once when I made this with a few friends, I put about 1/4 oz of bud in and the night ended up with most of the people curled up into little balls, shivering and generally freaking out. Unless you enjoy that type of thing, of course.
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